Around the beginning of February, our household emerges from the mad rush of Winter Holidays. Instead of thinking, “Eleven more months until Christmas,” I’m usually itching to make another gingerbread house – or six (insert an audible sigh here from The Husband).
And ……luckily for me, this is exactly when our neighborhood elementary school has its major fundraiser each year. Games, a chili cook-off, and an auction all funnel money towards a wish list (a needs list, really) the teachers themselves compile, and to PTA programs that enrich our school and community.
My gingerbread fascination transforms icing and cookies into four-square balls, math manipulatives or books for the literacy lab.
Fundraisers take note: people do spend money on Valentine’s Day. It can be an expensive holiday. They could buy flowers from a national chain, stuffed animals sewn in China, or Home-Baked Love that comes straight from your kitchen. I’d rather have that money go to the schools!
Here are some Valentine’s Day Creations from years past.